Friday, May 06, 2011

What is Coaching

Coaching can be interpreted as helping another person, or persons, improve in some aspect of their development. In the case of coaching a sport there are technical, strategic, mental and physical aspects which need to be addressed. In the case of soccer, due to the free flowing nature of the sport and the lack of intervention coaches can have on the game, the quality of the practice and the interaction between the coach and the players is of the highest importance. Generally coaches will deal with practices with the following in mind;
  1. Chronological and developmental age of the players. Certain aspects of the game need to be mastered by certain ages and youth coaches will design practices which address the needs of the players in a particular age group. These will be practices of a largely general nature which everyone will do as it is part of the developmental template for that age group. Young players will work a lot with the ball and play a lot of fun games. Older players may combine practice activities with conditioning.
  2. Addressing the issues raised by the play of the team, units or individuals in their last game or games. Issues like, lack of compactness, lack of width, poor defending may need to be addressed and improved in the next practice.
  3. Preparing for an upcoming opponent. Some coaches will use a practice, or part of a practice, to prepare for an upcoming opponent.
  4. Addressing general soccer issues which arise in the flow of the season. This would include practicing being a man down or man up, beating an offside trap, counter attacking,  defending a counter attack etc.

Quality practices are inspiring to players and invigorating for coaches. There are few feelings like walking off the practice field after a good practice when everyone has pushed themselves, the players have successfully faced the challenges that the coach has set them and practice has finished with a competitive inner squad game. Steve Round, in this video clip gives us one aspect of the basic skills of coaching. Steve is, presently, the assistant manager at Everton FC and is one of the many bright young English coaches in the Premier League. I hope that your attendance at a Jeff Tipping Coaching Education Clinic will help inspire you to get the very best out of the players on your team.

Coaching Education Events

Coaching Education Workshops and Clinics

Coaching Education events will touch on the three main themes of coaching; Coach as the Technician, Coach as Manager, Coach as Leader. Coaching education events will combine field presentations with lecture and some student directed learning. Educational programs are designed for coaches at various levels of the game. Clinics last 3 hours and workshops last 3 days. Topics include:
  • Systems of Play
  • Club Tactical Development
  • Methods of Coaching
  • Teaching Functional Play
  • Tactical and Technical Applications of Small Sided Games
  • Technical Training
  • Awareness and Communication Exercises
  • Developing the American Predator
  • The Transition Game

Club Coaching Education Events

The best youth development clubs have common practice sessions – sessions which all coaches in the club are expected to know and offer on a regular basis. The Club Coaching Education Events offer a variety of 3 hour “themed” field sessions which will appeal to coaches in a club environment where club-wide coaching sessions are encouraged. These “must have” sessions are, specifically designed, for the American club and for players in the 12+ age groups.

Coaching Study Tours

A Coach Study Tour will adhere to the following common themes;
Club specific sports science and soccer analysis seminars, observation of practice sessions, match analysis sessions at live soccer matches and guest lectures on a wide range of managerial and leadership issues. Time is also set apart for visiting interesting cultural features of the country or the region we are touring.
Coach Study Tours are recommended in the spring (March) or late July early August. The United Kingdom and Germany are two common destinations.

Contact Jeff Tipping for more estimates and more information at